The residents of Perm can see the achieve photos exhibition “Trams in the streets of Perm and Duisburg, black-and-white”

This is the first international virtual exhibition created by a partnership of archivists from Perm and their German twinned city of Duisburg. The presentation of the exhibition was held in Perm City Administration and gathered the representatives of the city archive and students. The archivists from Duisburg took part in the event on-line.
On November 7, 2019 Perm will mark 90 years since the start of the city’s first tram. The celebrations include a presentation of the special international project implemented by archivists from Perm and its twinned city of Duisburg (Germany) - an electronic exhibition лет “Trams in the streets of Perm and Duisburg, black-and white”.
Addressing the participants of the presentation, the Administrative Office Head Yelena Anisimova stressed that this """unique""" exhibition is a new developments in the cooperation between archivists of Perm and Duisburg. The friendship link between the two cities has been successfully developing for 11 years and covers interaction in a variety of areas, including sport, culture and other directions.
- Due to active work of our achieve we were happy to recently receive the photos showing the history of trams in Perm – these are donations of a rather high research significance. The exhibition was initiated by two archivists from Perm – Olga Melchakova and Maria Reimers. We are pleased that our German colleagues joined the project. The exhibition relates the history of trams against the context of world’s history as well as shows the contribution of the residents of Perm and Duisburg into the development of transportation system and reflects the positive changes in tramway service in the two cities”, says Victor Novokreschennykh, the Perm City Archive Director.
He further explained that the exhibition features materials and specially written articles in both Russian and German.
The German archivists, including Duisburg Archive Director Andreas Pilger, his colleagues Lisa Hampel and Michael Kanther, and Duisburg City administration representative Heike Maus, joined the event on-line from Duisburg. They thanked their counterparts from Perm City Archive for cooperation and expressed their hopes for future successful projects.
The exhibition is available on the Perm City Archive web-site . As Anton Ponomaryov, head of Archive Technologies and Research Department notes, everybody can see the exhibition following the link. The exhibition presents the total of 77 photos with annotations from two archives.
The exhibition project was first agreed and structured by both sides through video-conferencing, which has become a good tradition and a form of regular communication between the partner archives. This helped to speed up and smooth the approval of the exhibition draft as well as to work on translations and writing articles for the exhibition.